ministry for children with ASD question

My son was diagnosed with ASD last year at age 3. We attend church every Sunday, and he loves to hear the choir and imitate the lead singer and preacher. i have a question for those who attend--does your church have a ministry for families with children with special needs, particularly ASD? I am looking to start one b/c i know many parents stay home and miss going to services b/c of their child's condition. i am blessed to have family members to help as well as his home therapist who come to services with us at times. but not everyone has that. so, looking to start an angel buddy ministry or the like, where a volunteer is assigned to a child with ASD to help them through the service or Sunday school, children's church, etc. i have run in into obstacles with getting training for those who want to volunteer. any suggestions on training issues, other ministry ideas, or how it works at your church. will not leave my son at home on Sunday mornings, and other parents should not have to. thanks in advance for assistance.

C.J. Adams
Chicago, IL