Mr. Miles

My son Miles is 2 years old. We found out at his 18 month check up that he wasnt "up to par" on his speech. I have two younger brothers, one with autism and another with aspergers. So, when my son started showing signs of autism, i should have known,but as his mother i saw nothing wrong with him. He got his diagnosis at 20 months. He is a very phyiscal boy,and his favorite toys are cars. He will sit there and line his cars up for hours. He has yet to say a word, but we are working with OT,speech, and hes attending school at waban,while meeting indivually with his teacher every week. We have seen a lot of improvement in him. He points to what he wants instead of screaming at the top of his lungs until i figure it out. Miles is so smart, he just doesnt know how to express himself the way he likes so he gets really frustrated with things and people,but he cant help it. Honestly, people ask me how i do it? How do i handle his screaming and acting up and violence?well, i love him and hes my son and he might be acting ouot and throwing a tantrum but to me, thats him saying "i need help mama". I could never and will never give up on my son,him and his younger brother are my reason for being. I accept him for all of his differences and i praise every achievment, no matter how small they may be.Every step,is a step forward and thats all i anticipate for him. mommy loves you miles and i know you love me too,you dont need to say it for me to know.

Springvale, ME