My 2 little blessings

There are several important dates in my life that I will never forget. One of those dates is December 17,2010- this was the day I was told that my oldest son had ASD. I blamed myself for a while then I woke up and realized my child was going to be okay. We had already gotten him in an early intervention program. Marcus had to learn to talk again, had been talking since he was 8 months old and then stopped around 14 months old. He had reverted to making baby noises/babbling. In the next 9 months brought much progress. At 3 he began in the Autism preschool program and was making even more progress. Just as I thought things were going good in my little family, life smacked me in the face again. In April of 2012, I realized that my youngest son had stopped talking just as his brother had done. Little things started making sense about things he did( toe walking, repetitive sounds)so I made the evaluation appt for him. August 17, 2012 is another date I will never forget. That is the day we were told that Ben also had ASD. Ben's ASD was/is much more severe then his brother. He unfortunately didn't get the same amount of the early intervention that his brother had gotten. Ben started in the same preschool program his brother is in and has come a long way though from where he was.

This coming school year Marcus will begin general education kindergarten, he has made amazing strides. Ben has made so much progress as well. We are proud of both of them and can't wait to see what the future holds for them. They are our 2 little blessings and we wouldn't trade them for the world. <3