my Adam

My Adam is 19 yrs old and his is the one person that keeps me on my toes.. My Adam is High Function Autistic But he is very Independent. His favorite things to do is go to the movies, play video games and anything SIFI, He also has a pet snake her name is Aciruca.
I got so many stories to tell but i will share the most recent one. My Adam works part time in a mall food court, his duties are to collect the drity trays and clean them and distrubute the trays back to the food resturtants. Yesterday when My Adam came home from work he had explain that as he was doing one of his trips around the food court collecting the trays that some little girls around the age of four was following him and trying to help him collect the trays. My Adam say "hi" to the little girl and then he ask "Where are your parents". the little girl didn't say anything but wave hi. a few minutes later a lady approach them and called the little girl. My Adam politly ask the lady to show him a picture of the little girl to conform that she was the mom. The lady did show My Adam a picture of the little girl. then she smile and said thank you to My Adam.. My Adam is a very strong minded, smart and AWESOME person!!!

Roxana J Franco
oxnard, CA