My angel bear!

My baby girl is 7 years old. Her name is Mikayla Nicole. She is the sweetest child in the world and loves to help, she gets very nervous around anyone else. If she see someone crying she will start crying.She had a horrific birth to start off with she was born right before hurricane Rita. something happened and she was not getting any oxygen so they did an emergency c-section then had to ride in a helicopter to baton route.I always knew she was special but didn't know just how special she was. When she was little I could not leave her with anyone she had to be by me at all times people scared her even family. Lots of things scared her loud noises she would see people who really were not there and talk to them. I was always told that I just spoiled her to much because she was my last baby but I knew deep down it was some more. So her teacher recommended i bought her to a psych doctor.It took us a year and a half of testing her but they finally said she had aspbergers, OCD, sever anxiety and ADHD. I did some research on it because I had no clue of what that was and when I found out I was so terrify. Her doctors sent us to some family group meeting which helped alot! Just knowing we were not alone and it has help my angel bear too. She has done so well with the medications and her group therapy. Sometimes it's hard but I always believe that The Lord gave me a very special baby girl and she just amazes me everyday! She is so interest in art,singing and she wants to do gymnastics so bad. We haven't put her in it yet because we have five other children so we stay pretty busy. she has such a passion for it that I'm going to have let her try.she watches shows on tv and learns moves and just does them! It's amazing! She is just an amazing gift from god!

Tasha Berzas
Sulphur, LA