my angel

Korie is my first born. I had her when i was only 18 years old. She saved my life. She was such a great baby! Only cried when she was hungry and even then it was only a little wimper. She was sleeping through the night by the time she was 3 weeks old. She was healthy! i first noticed something was wrong when she was not walking like other children her age. I let it go and said she would in her own time. when she was 3 i enrolled her in preschool. At the conference, the teachers showed me her work compared to other children. She was behind. I also had 2 other daughters by this time and was noticing my 2nd daughter was ahead in milestones than korie. I just worked with korie more in getting her caught up. It wasnt until she was 6 years old that i knew in my gut something was wrong. I was watching the show PARENTHOOD and compared korie to the boy with aspergers and thats when it hit me. Korie had been working with a school based therapist and i asked the therapist to evaluate korie. The therapist said she was not old enough. After doing my research and going to 3 different therapists korie was diagnosed 2 years ago with pervasive development disorder. I cried with concern. I did not know how to raise a child with special needs. With so much support from family i am excited to say korie is doing wonderful! This is her first year at school that she does not have a iep learning plan! she loves to read and write! korie has taught me so much over these past 10 years! raising a child with special needs is the hardest thing i have ever done, but it is the most rewarding! i would not change anything!!

altoona, IA