~My baby boy Charles~

My baby boy Charles is a blessing from God. He was born on June 8th
2009, weighing 8lbs 4oz and 20in long. When we went for his one year checkup
the doctor asked us how many words he was saying. Charles had started saying
Mama but then stopped. She said for a one year old they usually say 15-20
words. words. Even though Charles never showed signs of being behind, but he
still didn't communicate verbally. When we went to the doctor's when Charles was
2 the doctor was concerned when she asked how many words he was saying.
Charles was 2 and didn't talk yet. We we're told to go to have his hearing checked. Immediately thinking that our baby
wasn't hearing us and thinking this is why he can't talk we went for multiple
hearing tests at both Children's Hospital and St. Christopher's. Some proved
hearing only in one ear and others showed he was too little to be sure.
We realized at home that Charles was hearing the television, our family, and
and other sounds. He was our fourth child and so we also thought maybe
everything Charles needed was always given right away so maybe that's
why he didn't talk. My husband and I wanted to make sure it was
definitely not his hearing, so I took him for one last test at Children's Hospital.
After the test the doctor asked about Charles behaviors at home. She said I think
he has Autism. Charles is now 4 and is still non-verbal. He goes to a private school
just for Autism and is doing exceptional. He is receiving an award this week for all of
his accomplishments in one year. My husband and I are more so grateful that God gave Charles
to us! Having the diagnosis of Autism hasn't slowed Charles down, it has
made us all stronger. Our family welcomed baby William this past winter.
Charles is now a big brother w/so many wonderful giftts to share w//everyone that loves him.
Charles you are my hero, I love you more than words could ever say...

Joanne Ferguson
Williamstown, NJ