My Beautiful BellaBoo

I knew I always wanted a little girl to dress up, polish her nails, talk about boys she had crushes on all the fun girl things. But I had no idea that the Lord had a different plan for me, and I believe his plan was teach me how to love life. I remember when Bella was 2 years old and was diagnosed with autism I cried so hard I felt like I did something wrong I blamed myself I kept trying to think what did I do different in this pregnancy than my first.We started to get help for her right away as the therapist said it would help her to one day hopefully live a normal life. At 4yrs old I could see her autism taking over more of her life she would start to cry and pull out her hair because she was not able to tell me what it was that she wanted, I would try so hard to talk to her, but no matter what nothing worked. All I wanted to hear was Mommy for so long just for her to look at me, I then took her to get evaluated again they told me she has Severe Autism.I said No WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S 6 now we have had her in therapy (aba) since she was 2yrs old. They told me they don't think Bella will ever be able to live a normal life. Although I cry still and have a hard time accepting things I found that the Lord has a reason for everything. Bella has taught me so much, I love her with every piece of my heart! I am so greatful to have her and to be her Mommy. And I will Never give up that one day she'll come to me and look at me and say I Love You Mommy.

Sanger, CA