My Blessing

Hello my name is Wendy .I am actually a Mom and a Grandma.I adopted my angel that is 5 yrs old now back in 2010.I knew something was not quite right him and had a gut feeling he was Autistic.So I finally got the diagnosis that he was indeed Autistic.I wasn't surprised ,but was very surprised with the other diagnosis they diagnosed him with .I don't care what my angel has .I will love him no matter what.He has taught me a lot ..He is a very smart boy .He knows his alphabet,numbers,colors,shapes and he aslo can read .Brayden is his name but computer and technology is his game.He can go anywhere he wants on a computer ;I am very proud to call him my son ...,In life we can learn from our angels that god has put in front of us.Brayden has several diagnosis .But I have learnt what true love is .I WOULDN'T CHANGE A THING.Teaching him how to sign was hard but his speech therapist was awesome.I am very blessed and very thankful that god gave me such a precious gift to love and learn from .It has been rough at times but I am here to tackle on all...I stand up for Autism ...I speak for Autism.We are going to still shine.....We can do this it may be a challenge but just look at how much we are learning ....I want to learn all there is about Autism and how I may be able to help another family that might be having issues like Brayden .Just watch for signs hand flapping.toe walking,not responding to their name ,rocking,Brayden's biggest thing was everything had to be in order lined up .Could not move it at all .He would have a meltdown..I am so thankful I got to share my story with you .Getting the word out may help someone else ....We all are here for one another .That is Circle of Autism group needs to started with a facebook page .Where everyone joins together and share their stories .Helping one another get though really tough Challenges..<3

Lowgap, NC