My Blessing

Isaac was born April 2nd 2008, What was supposed to be a "NORMAL" child birth turned into more then i could have handled, he was born a preemie which was NOT expected, and at 4 lbs 6 oz, he was more then i could have asked for. BUT like any other mother i worried, and knew something was not right. After many days in the hospital, being on every machine for feeding and breathing and everything in between, finally Isaac was able to come home. I was so excited and ready to begin life with my baby boy, but little did i know Isaac had a different idea, and that was to take me on a ride and test every step of the way. I always knew something was not right, he was't growing the same as other kids, his speech was never there, he was not social, he didn't want my hugs and would never look me in the eyes. Of course i started thinking "Ok what did i do wrong" and as more time went on and the more research i did, everything kept leading me back to the same thing "AUTISM" i was not ready to believe it and I took alot of the blame but i never stopped loving my baby boy, It took alot of hard work and powerful prayers to get to the place we are now, Isaac is 5 years old and healthy, strong and learning more and more as each day goes by.
Isaac is what some would call a "AUTISTIC SAVANT" he loves to put things in order by shape, number and color, his memory is so superior, it is his special skill.
Although Isaac does not speak and has no vocabulary, it does not stop him from being able to tell you about him self, he is able to express his moods and his wants and needs. You will never know just by looking at him that he is different but once he opens his heart to you nothing else matter's
He is my Blessing and i am thankful.

Erlinda Valenzuela
Laveen, AZ