My First Saving Grace

My son Aidan is my first saving grace. He was born June 15, 2006. He was 2 months premature weighing in at 5 lbs 1 ounce. Apgar scores of 9 and 10. Was in the hospital for 2 weeks. On his actual due date, August 15, he was 9 lbs 1 ounce. Schedule always worked best for him so that is what we did. The only concerns that we really had was his speech was delayed, well more forming words he made all sorts of sounds but words were a difficult. It took forever and a day for him to potty train and he had what we called, "happy hands" when he got excited. When he started kindergarten, the first week, the principal emailed me a letter she had received from his 1st kindergarten teacher he had some issues according to his first kindergarten teacher. Disrupting class, screaming, hiding under tables "scaring other children." When I read the letter I was floored, I had asked every day how he was adjusting and was told oh he is fine. He had hugged her a bit too hard and she was concerned that he would hurt her unborn child, so at her request, we moved him into a different class room and things so much better. He was diagnosed with classic autism. I was upset and first and then my sister told me something. God gave me exactly what I needed when he gave me Aidan, and I realized she was right. His is high functioning, he still has hand writing difficulties but he reads 71 words a minute and makes straight A's in school. He is adored by everyone who is around him he uplifts everyone he comes in contact with. He is my first saving grace.

Deweyville, TX