My Four Boys

When I first embarked upon the journey of motherhood, I imagined chubby babies, lot's of cuddles, scraped knees and slightly precocious children. I never dreamed that I would have a child with autism. When my first son was diagnosed, I certainly didn't think that I would have two with autism. But then my next child was diagnosed too. Then we skipped one and my fourth child was born and diagnosed with severe cerebral palsy, epilepsy, dysphasia, and microcephaly. I remember being so thankful in the middle of all these new diagnosis, and medical terms, that I had produced at least one child that had no maladies of any kind. I was so extremely thankful in fact, that I completely missed (ignored) all of his warning signs and symptoms. I think I was overwhelmed......being a widow, and mother of four children is hard enough. But thinking that now ALL of my children have some sort of special need was simply devastating. But then the day came when I could no longer ignore it. You see, it should never have been about what I was comfortable with looking at, but what was best for ALL of my children. In the end, I had him tested, and the diagnosis came back the same as the others. He was in fact autistic too. It was this moment that would truly put us all on a new path for life. I went back to college and am currently studying to teach special education. It has become my mission to learn about my children, and others like them, and to make a positive difference in their lives. I have already learned so much. Each day they teach me about compassion, decency, and love in it's purest form. I will spend every day I have left on this earth in service to them. My four boys; wow.

mesick, MI