My Gift from GOD

My gift from GOD is my son~John Everett.I always wanted a son and I was happily surprised when I was pregnant at 39 and had him at the age of 40.I waited for him all my life.My husband said " I never saw a woman look more beautiful as you did when you held him in your arms for the first time.! ( I was sedated and dont remember) As he continued to grow I noticed how he wasnt hitting his milestones. Of course I was told that "every child is differnet and let him develop at his own pace". Well finally at 9 months another doctor told me to have him evaluated at the local child devlopment center.
So he was diagosed with having"low tone" so thats when the therapies began.Untill he turned 3,then thats when services went to the school sysytem.
He got into a special ed pre school~and into an autisic class. He still recieves all therapies and makes progress. He does though regress if there is a time when he is out of school.Pretty typical. He has an oversized palate which makes words had to pronounce,but I can understand him.I know there is a long journey ahead for us but I choose to concentrate on what he can do not what he cant.

Ali Pavlica
Flemington, NJ