My handsome Nephew

On October 19th 2007 Jacob Anthony Gambardella jr. was born the moment I looked at him I fell in love. He was perfect. At age 4 my sister noticed something was different about Jake he wasn't very social he liked to play alone so she got him tested for autism. She got the results back and Jake had aspergers. At age 5 Jake went to school all of us afraid school would be hard for him. He got home his first day and he loved school he loved his teacher and made a friend. Autism doesn't make Jake any less of a child he is my best friend me being 20 and him being 6 he makes me laugh smile and gives the best hugs. Jake is more than a nephew to me he is a gift from God. Even during his melt downs he still amazes me. I love you baby Jake. I will always be here to support you and be by your side.

Kayla Hanback
points, WV