My journey with my autistic daughter

My daughter, Moira, is 4 years old. She was diagnosed with Classic Autism at 33 months old, after I pushed for a diagnosis. At 18 months old, she experienced a major regression and I knew in my heart she was autistic. No one around me believed me, including her pedi at the time. After doing a lot of research I became certain that my daughter had Autism and I had to be her voice because I knew getting a diagnosis would open up doors for her so she could get the help she really needed. My daughter has opened my eyes and heart, she is my inspiration, she has given me strength I never knew I had and has taught me to NEVER take anything for granted. Each step she takes, small or big, is celebrated. She is so beautiful and intelligent, she amazes me everyday. I also home school her which is a challenge but it is incredibly rewarding! She brings a light into my life that is unmatched. I have so many hopes and dreams for her which haven't changed just because of her diagnosis. I believe she will grow up to be independent, successful, happy and live a very fulfilling life. I will do everything in my power to see to it that she reaches her fullest potential. Raising a child on the spectrum is heartbreaking, challenging,and frustrating at times but it brings incredible joy and happiness into my life. I embrace all of her differences as should everyone else but we live in a cruel world full of ignorance. Autism is not a tragedy, ignorance is the tragedy. I love you Moira, you are my light, you are my life.

Chicago, IL