My kids make my heart smile!!!

I have twin boys that are 7 years old. They are creative, outgoing, smart, loving to no end, always smiling, and they are autistic. I knew from the time they were born there was something different about them. I did not know what that difference was until they were diagnosed with autism at the age of 1. For a long time I thought it was my fault and I was very angry. I would explode on anyone I thought was ridiculing my boys. I also have a very wonderful daughter that is 9 years old who is not autistic. When she was 5 and the twins 3.. we were at Walmart when a couple made a sideways comment about how loud my twins were being. I was so upset that I wanted to leave before I exploded. Then my daughter grabbed my hand, smiled at me and said "its okay Mommy". Then she grabbed her brothers hands and went up to the couple and said "these are my brothers, they are twins, I love them very much and they are autistic." The couple proceeded to ask me questions and we had a great conversation. That day my daughter taught me something...She changed the way i looked and interpreted how people react to my twins. Most people are just curious and need that curiosity filled with knowledge. There are still going to be ignorant people out there...but they have to live with their self everyday! I thank GOD for my kids each and everyday. I am so BLESSED. I would never even think of changing them if I could...Because of my children I am stronger then i could have ever imagined being. My children make my heart smile everyday. This was my life changing event. Mommy LOVES YOU Ahlyna Marie, Angelo, and DeAngelo!!!!
