My Leah

As age 2 started to approach, I started to notice the lack of words she had in her vocabulary, how she had no desire to play with toddlers her age, her violent tantrums became more frequent, I'd catch her doing things repetitively like flipping the pages of a book for 10 minutes, crying at the Elmo Live Concert or parades, & wanting to hold sticks or straws rather than play with her toys appropriately.
I immediately started researching & quickly convinced myself I knew what was wrong. A couple months later on July 16th 2013 while sitting in an office, I heard the words "your daughter has mild autism."
I felt like I couldn't breathe & broke down hard. I thought that the 5 months preparing myself to hear those words would make it easier but it didn't. It took a couple of weeks to process all of it & then I became obsessed with not letting Autism control her or I. I started her on a gluten/dairy free diet & within days my family & I saw a huge change in her. She is currently waiting to be put on the waiting list for intensive therapy. In the meantime I have taught her how to eat with a fork/spoon, play with toys appropriately, say a few words, & how to play learning games on the iPad.
Leah was born with Gastroschesis then had a scare with possible Cystic Fibrosis. She beat both of those & will beat Autism. My goal is to help her get every inch of help she can receive so she can live a happy, productive life. I still have my days that I break down & feel defeated as a parent but then I wake up the next day even more determined.
Leah is unque, sweet, funny & beautiful. Her father & I are so incredibly lucky to be able to call her our daughter

Jacqueline Hora
Green Bay, WI