My life with Aspergers is getting better each day

My name is Rachel im 17 and I am unofficially diagnosed with Aspergers. My life has been a constant struggle with my self. When I was younger I never talked or had alot of friends. My mom tried every therapy she could think of. When I was 14 my therapist told my mom she thought I had Aspergers. My mom didnt tell me untill I was 16 because I wasnt ready to know until then. I think knowing gave me some closure but i didnt need to know something was wrong with me to succedin my life. I have had a 4.0 grade average since Sophmore year, Igoing to graduate in 4 months ,I have friends to eat lunch with, Im in love with an amazing guy, and I have overcome most of my quarks. I love my life and I have my mom to thank because If she hadnt pushed me I wouldnt have made it this far. I love you mom , thanks for never giving up on me.

Houston, TX