My Life with Aspergers

Like many people that I know who have Aspergers, I wasn't diagnosed until later in my life. I was diagnosed with Aspergers in December of 2009. I really struggle with reading social cues, knowing when and how to jump into a conversation, lack of eye contact, monotone voice, and lack of facial expressions just to name a few symptoms.

I do have an obsession like most people who have Aspergers. My life is controlled by my obsession for filming.There are pros and cons to my obsession with film. The problem with my passion for film is that I want to film everything I do. Instead of just enjoying a round of golf with my parents or a day at the amusement park, the first thing that comes to mind is, "I really want to film and make a video out of it". On a lighter note, a pro is that it can lead to many career opportunities which I has happened on several occasions.

I did speech therapy for about four or five years since I basically spoke my own made up language as I grew up. I was taught how to give eye contact and it is still very difficult for me. I have always had all or nothing thinking and usually think worst-case scenario. I was bullied in middle and high school to the point where I was scared to go to school each day knowing that people would call me names for no reason and I didn't know how to create small talk. Dealing with change has always been difficult in my life. Substance abuse became very prevalent to numb out. Finally I also struggled with keeping friendships throughout my life because I have trouble understanding social cues and would usually run away from relationships because I thought I upset them. Tones of voice are what usually set me off in these situations. If someone uses a firm voice it feels like they are screaming two inches away from my face. Ive been in treatment for Aspergers since 2010 and am still continuing to seek help.

Scott Klumb
Boulder, CO