My Life With Autism

My daughter was diagnosed with classic autism on February 1,2012. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was overwhelmed with so many emotions. My heart broke into little pieces.
I was scared and didnt know what to expect. I got Early intervention services for my daughter right away. As soon as she started her services I saw a change. A change that would amaze me. You see, I was so worried about the "what if's" instead of focusing on "she can and will". Since my daughter has started Early Intervention she has learned all the basic skills she needed to learn. When you see your child progress its priceless. What gave me the strength to keep going on this journey was support from family and friends, a understanding and accepting that my daughter may be different but it doesnt change the fact that she can and will show her true beauty and will not let Autism define who she is. Never lose HOPE

Jill Rodriguez
newark, NJ