My Life With High-Functioning Autism.

I'm Dave Belk,Age 47 from Charlotte NC.Hometown:Greensboro NC.Have one parent,Mother.Widowed as of 9-20-09.Diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism at Age 15.Had it for 31 years.My early life was full of ups & downs.Had a virus at toddler age,Nerve in right ear was cut off.Had tonsillectomy at age 6.Later life was fitted with eyeglasses at age 12.Been examined,studied,& tested to really find out what makes me function right.To this day I face with positive & negative sides of my autistic handicap.Also had MRI brainscans at Duke Medical Center In Durham NC.& at UNC Hospitals In Chapel Hill NC.Have a fine family & some friends from past to present.My hobbies are:Railroads,Fire Engines,Ambulances,Sports,Music,TV/Movies,U.S.Travel,History,Comedy & Nature.In the past 3 years I put my autism to the test by driving old steam locomotives in Petersburg WV,Roanoke VA.& Bonsal NC.Had some good instructors to show me how the components work & to keep my eye on the rails at all times.Did fairly well & earned my 1st certificate of recognition.Looks like I'm on my way to bein' a good student train engineer.Have the historic uniform to prove it.I'm not quite ready for larger locomotives.But one day might get another chance.I attend Autism meetings & once a year conferences to learn more on about brain disfunctions & how it would help me to become a better person as I grow older.To this day,First Responders need to learn how to interact with autistic people no matter how mild to severe the autism is.Case in point:1998 & 2002.Greensboro NC.& Spencer NC.Even museum personnel need to listen.We need to get involved people.Autistic clients shouldn't continue to be treated this way.Hope one day,There'll be treatment for Autism.I speak & walk for Autism as I stand for it.I like bein' a state spokesman/recipient.Hope you'll meet me soon & learn of my life with Autism.For now,I rest my case.Good bye till next time.

Dave H.Belk
Charlotte, NC