My little hero!

Hi my name is La Toya and my son has been diagnosed with Austism. It was a long time coming when he was little he would spin for hours, line things up neatly, hide things so that when he went back to that place he would find it. He also was nonverbal until he was four years old. He is now eight and doing well socially, and physically. He has major academic issues but working thru them.

My story is positive I wouldn't be the person I am if I didn't have trials and tribulations. I'm a single mother with a child with a disability and refuse to let any of that hold me or him back. Yes we have difficulties on a daily basis but we don't give up.

I love the fact that there is some many ways that parents of a child with a disability can express themselves. I thank you for the opportunity to speak!

La Toya
Syracuse, NY