my long road with ausbergers syndrome

I am 28 years old. In 1988, I was diagnosed with ausbergers syndrome. I couldn't talk till I was 6 years old. They were ready to start sign language, and said that I wouldn't make it past first grade if I didn't start talking. But I had loving parents who wouldn't give up on me. I was enrolled in special classes, and learned how to talk. From there, I had a hard time socializing. I was picked on because they didn't understand. I also took separate speech classes. As I got older, it got easier. By the time I graduated, I had a 3.4 gpa. I have seizures too, so it's hard for me to work. I, however, get up in the morning and live every day like its the fullest. The only thing I can say to those who have it or family that has a loved one that has it, DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!! There is always hope.

Amarillo, TX