My love Johnny.....

Sixteen years ago, I gave birth to the most beautiful lil man, his name is Johnny. I didn't know my life would profoundly change but it did. I wouldn't change him for the world. Through all his challenges from echolalia, tantrums, quirks, meltdowns, learning difficulties and education.......he indeed taught me more about life than I could ever teach him. Johnny taught me what really is important in life, seeing life through his eyes & what is important to him has made me a better person. Our little triumphs from finally being potty trained at the age of 4, to finally learning his colors at the age of 8 to learning to tie his shoes at the age of 11, may seem small to some but for us, it was a beautiful milestone. After not being able to communicate to singing in the choir in middle school filled my heart with pure joy. He was the only disabled kid to graduate 8th grade and when he received his diploma brimming with pride, the audience erupted in a standing ovation. Johnnny received the last award of the night, the student that displayed the most perserverance, and did he ever earn that award!! As most parents of an autistic child know, our kids need to work so much harder to learn. All things that "typical" family's take for granted. I thank God for the people I was surrounded with, from his loving sister & protector, Lyndsay to his child study team, loving family & friends & neighbors. I was blessed to live in a community where Johnny was the "mayor". Everyone knew him and looked after him. As time goes by, Johnny continues to impress me and continues to fill my heart with pure joy. He truly is the most beautiful and loving soul I know and definitely an angel on earth. I'm truly blessed to be his Mom. ~~~~~~~~Written with love, Christine Boucouvalas

Christine Boucouvalas
Edgewater Park, NJ