My Matthew Jay Story

My Matty as I call him is my second child, he was born via an emergency c-section at 41 weeks. At around 7 months I started to notice how he never responded to his name but figure he's just a boy and are usually a little slower than girls, around the age of 1.5 I started having concerns about his speech I was told that maybe he should interact with other children and be a sponge and absorb others children speech. He was finally diagnose with autism at age 3 and it's been a roller coster for us, I have learn and I'm still learning so much from him he has started school and I have seen such an improvement, I no longer fear the future or cry about my son having autism he's special to me and I wouldn't change him for the world but I would try to change the world for him as a Hispanic many in our culture don't understand what autism is,we must educate those who don't understand it in order to have acceptance. One last thing I would like to share that my Matty melts my heart on a daily basis.

Walnut Park, CA