My shining Star

Our story begins when cameron is about 9 months old. Up until this point everything was going great he had started to pull himself up but then he would start to scream when he finally stood. At 18 months we put him in Early Intervention and that seemed to help for awhile.He didnt walk till he was almost 2 and didnt talk till he was close to 5. Starting school was hard for him cause he could not understand why he has to sit still for a long period of time. The teachers all told me that i had a bad child and that i needed to discipline him better at home and to sit him in the corner when he was bad. Basically that i was a terrible parent cause i didnt control him better. at that point we were diagnosed with adhd and was put on medication. It wasnt until he was about 6 that he was diagnosed with aspergers. At that point it started to make a little better sense on things in our life. The thing that i hate the most is that everyone thinks that he is a completely normal child and that he should conform to the way things are and hes just not a child that fits into a box. He is a free spirit and loves to just be able to run and be himself. He is my star and i would not change him for anything. He has taught me so much about how to be an unconditional loving parent.

Suzanne May
Zolfo Springs, FL