My son and Autism

My son was diagnosed in the Autism Spectrum at 2.5 yrs old. I knew that would be his diagnosis because I have worked over the years with some folks who have autism. He had the sterotypical behavior of lining up things, even objects that don't go together, he wouldn't turn when you called his name, yet in every other respect he appeared to be very intelligent and physically rugged and coordinated. He climbed ran away, dropped to the ground and screamed if he didn't want to come, he was obsessed with water and tried to run into any body of water, the ocean, puddles, ect. He didn't care if it was freezing cold out! Now he is 5.5 and has changed dramatically, he has had OT and Nurtured Heart Bev Therapy. He speaks in full sentences, can read a little and is very expressive and loving. He often spends much of his time pretending though, he has elaborate stories in his head, which he frequently acts out. I call him, "the actor." The positive change in my son is that he spends his time happy, rather than frustrated. He uses language to communicate rather than tantrums. He interacts with other kids and calls his playgroup, "my friends," though he hasn't yet identified a friend. He interacts in school, but remains in special ed, not because he lacks academic progress, but due to distractability. His report card said he is profoundly involved in his self talk, which I know very well to be pretend play which he engages in when he would rather be in the pretend world than doing what is asked of him. I'm so happy my son has progressed to have the skills that he does, but this continues to be a major concern.

Edmonds, WA