My Son Jack

My four-year-old son Jack is autistic.

We didn't notice anything while he was a baby. It wasn't until he started "bum shuffling" instead of walking and we went to a busy, loud party where he screamed and cried the entire time that we started to think something wasn't quite right. He didn't talk, didn't try to make words, and was - and still is - obsessed with certain toys and things. His nursery suggested he may be autistic when he was two and a half, and they have been the most helpful and caring people since. They helped us find a special needs school for him and educated themselves in order to help Jack as much as possible.

He now walks... well, runs! And his speech has come on leaps and bounds since attending his new school! Starting to put words together! It is a struggle for us sometimes as Jack has two older sisters who, while they understand better than most kids, still sometimes become frustrated with Jack's ways and needs.

He is AMAZING and has a knack of pulling you into his world, normally of Angry Birds or cars. He shows us love and even sometimes looks us in the eye! We wouldn't change him for the world because if we did, he wouldn't be Jack and we have every confidence he will enjoy his life as much as any other person! X

Jon Hutson
Sevenoaks, United Kingdom