my son , my hero

My son Joseph (J.C) is 13 years old, and is severely autistic and is also deaf. Every day is a struggle with him because he is non verbal. I as a parent went through the why my child phase... JC was diagnose on my 25th birthday, he was 3. For ten years I doubted myself and wondered if I really was the best person to care for my own son.. Fortunately my son has learned how to communicate his wants and needs without speaking and without sign language because he has refused to use his signing. As a single parent of a special needs child things are anything but easy... Taking JC into town is literally a nightmare... but, After all this time I have come to realize how lucky I am that he is my son... every achievement is another miracle in my life. My son is the most loving child I have ever met. Most autistic children typically fight being touched, my angel is the opposite.. he wants to be hugged and kissed now as much as he did as a toddler! When I feel down, he senses it and hugs me... he helps me more than I ever thought possible. I no longer doubt my ability because he clearly doesn't doubt it.. He shows people every day that I am doing the best I can and that no matter what I am his favorite person.. I call JC a healer because he heals you from the inside... when or if you need him, he is there. He is my world and I am so proud to be his mom! I pray that other parents out there feel just as blessed as I do with my little man in my life.

Alvin, TX