My Son Ryan

My son Ryan is now 5 years old. He was diagnosed in October 2012 with mild/moderate Autism. For us it all started with his well check up at the age of 18 months when he was not talking. We were told to call early intervention but we were in denial and felt like he would talk when he was ready. 6 months later he still was not speaking so after his 2 year check up we finally called early intervention. Finally before his 3rd birthday he started talking! We were so relieved but they felt he would continue to need therapy. He started speech therapy at a local school at the age of 3 1/2 and a couple months after that was evaluated and started a head start program that winter. 8 months later he was diagnosed. Finally we had a diagnosis! Today he is a happy healthy little boy! He started kindergarten this year and loves it, I am so proud of my little man :)

Brenda Gibson
Richmond, VA