My Son

It all started right before his third birthday, I noticed that he was covering his ears a lot and hiding blankets when watching tv. By spring he still wasn't talking as much and you couldn't understand something he was saying. I put him in PPI classes and after 2 months he quit talking and doing sign language. I had lost communication with my child and felt lost. I was a single mother at the time and working full time for my children. I took matters into my own hands, by the time a year had past he was talking and I was proud of what I had done for my son. Life was changing fast, food became bland, texture issues, he could hear sounds I couldn't, sleeping patterns, versions clothes and colors. Many nights I cried myself to sleep asking God why me? Then another year went by, I said to myself this challenge is accepted! I have over come my sons many challenges in life, you see my son has Autism and ADD. He is turning 13 now and goes to a college prep school and attends normal classes like everyone else. Yes we have our challenges but we get through them on a daily basis. We no longer have to have a calender of routine and can pick up and go when we want. He eats normal foods and colors don't matter anymore. He still won't wear blue jeans, but I'm ok with that. I have over come the trials and breaking point that having a child with special needs can bring to my life. Car rides are one more thing that was a big accomplishment in my life. I have had the opportunity to speak and help other parents out on issues and that makes me feel good about what I have done for my son. I can't express how much early intervention really helps. I could tell you more about my story but it would take forever, that its why I have summed it up to a brief story. My life with my son is amazing!

Lisa Hinkley
Freeland, MI