My special little man.

My son has been different since birth. He never really liked being held. He preferred to be swaddled and then left to his own devices. When his 2nd birthday came and went and we still weren't hearing more then 10 words out of him (let alone full sentences), I got worried. I took him to a doctor that tested him. The results came back that he has PDD-NOS. I was a little scared at first, because I didn't know anything about the disorder or how his life would go. I immediately began to research therapies that are helpful. I found every agency in my area that could help us (including ones for when he is older). It has been 5 years since we heard the diagnosis. There are days when I feel like I have somehow failed him, but then he looks at me and smiles and laughs and all my worry and stress just goes away. I have to keep reminding myself that raising him will always be a learning process. What works today may not work tomorrow. I know that he will always keep me active and alert, and for that I am thankful. He is my sweet, funny, quirky little man and I wouldn't change him for anything. I love you Alex, and I always will!

Ashley Perkins
North Manchester, IN