My Story With Asperger's

When I was little I was "different" and an introvert I would rather play with myself than other kids my age. I have always wanted to be a published author from the age of 7/8 years old. When I got to Secondary school nobody else cared for creative writing and writing stories. I would sometimes miss understand jokes and think are they being scars tic or not? I was bullied for having Asperger's and a bully myself. Eventually I was expelled for my behaviour.

I went to a new school and hated it so I ended up dropping out with no gcses. I studied in other various places but ended up dropping out.

I am now 20 and just finished doing my exams, I plan on doing a levels and going to uni in the future. I would like to be a proper published author but maybe work with Aspies as well. I even have my own website for people with ASD or on the spectrum. Its weird how a lot of people my age are having kids and then theirs me, I just want to be successful

Paige Nicks
West Midlands, United Kingdom