My Story

My name is Cody. I am 18 years old and I have had high functioning autism for my whole life. I still struggle like every other teenager, school, friends, and the real world as well. I am thankful for having a trusting mom to go to even if I don't want to talk about my problems. Having autism was one of the hardest things for me to conquer. I had teachers come into my house, I had special education and many counselors helped me out. Eventually, I became a normal person like everyone else even though I still struggle with a social life; but there is one thing that makes me different from every other normal person. I understand other peoples' lives deeply, even if I sound like I don't care, I do it's just hard for me to comprehend it sometimes. I feel like if you have a dream you want to be, you can be what ever you want to be. My family and teachers I had never thought I would make it this far, I did pretty well with a small social life and a computer on my lap. If you have a dream believe you can do it and work hard. Be prepared for what life brings you when it's good or bad. You can change the world for the better or for the worse. My dream is to become a child psychologist to help out other people's problems and to manage to make them understand that having a problem isn't bad. I have a strong heart in psychology with my aspergers so I understand. I hope you enjoyed my story and if you learned or understand my story that would be great. I am glad to tell you my story, from a person that had bad problems to a point where I couldn't love to a person to a person that has good grades, have strong faith, and still little struggles socially. Even though I still think I can do better I already know I can do it. And again, thank you for reading this.

Cody Clark
Au Sable Forks, NY