My wonderful Son

This is Denver he is 6.He was a healthy baby boy weighing at 8lbs 3oz. He did just fine as an infant it wasn't until he was 2 and I noticed he wasn't talking so I started asking his pediatrician questions he said let wait a bit kids start taliking at his own rate. Denver was hitting milestones but at a different rate. At the age of 3 Denver was only using 3 letter words and very little at that his pediatrician decided to give me some paper work to fill out he said there could be a chance Denver is Autistic.
As I was looking at these questions and seeing that I answered yes to a lot of them yes my son does that, yes it is difficult to do that task, so as I answered the question I became more interested in what Autism is? We waited for the results and finally the call came Denver was on the Autism Spectrum Side and wanted us to go to Southeast and see a Autism Specialist and have them meet Denver and run some more test and go from there.
At this point I as a mother am terrified for my son and feel there is nothing I can do to make my son better! We went thru all the testing and question and at the age of 3 Denver was diagnosed with autism or ASD as they called it. My son does talk some now it is still hard for my son to communicate and some word don't come out as he wants it and he battles with that everyday not being able to get out how he feels or explain what happened to him that day at school .
My family struggles with autism everyday and every day it makes us stronger.He has accomplished a lot in 3 yrs and still working hard towards his goals I am so very proud of him! Denver Mommy and Daddy loves u so very much! You are our can do anything!! Reach for the Stars Son anything is possible!

Ashley Lambert
Perryville, MO