My work of ART...

When I was pregnant, I would rub my belly and tell my mom, "You know, this is a special baby..."

I had no idea how true those words were...

We moved from FL to AZ when he was 8 months old, and what a trip that was. My friends in AZ were the first ones to point out his developmental delays and "odd" behaviours, suggesting that he may be Autistic. I pointed out how unstable and traumatic his life had been up until that point, did they really expect for him to be "normal"?

We got the official diagnosis when he was 4...

It has definitely been a struggle, but nothing in life comes easy. At 13, he is still non-verbal (although knows some sign language), and his biggest frustration is his inability to communicate with people...that, and being told "No"...

Autism, to me, is a jump in the evolution of the human mind...and they are still stuck in the primitive body (and world). I tell my boy that I know why he doesn't talk...he has the secrets of the universe locked in his head, and he's not allowed to tell anybody yet.

He's an AWESOME person, and definitely my greatest masterpiece!!!

I Love You, my Beautiful Boy!!!

Jacksonville, FL