My name is Noah Rhoades and i am 13 years old. I have Type 1 diabetes, Aspergers, dyspraxia, Sensory Issues, ADHD, and Anxiety/Panic Disorder. I have these disabilities but I don't like calling them disabilities because they may set us back but I believe that they don't disable us from living life to the fullest and enjoying our time on earth. I just want to share a story. One day I went to school and i was having a really bad day. I thought to myself "This day is going to be absolutely TERRIBLE!" i had the mile run that day in gym and i was just about to give up on my 3rd out of 4 laps (about 25 minutes in) when i had passed my class and everyone was finished I saw only 1 face that was annoyed (which was really upsetting) but then my class started cheering me on and it started with about maybe 3 people. But then the whole class one by one, two by two, started cheering me on. I felt so elated when i heard this because i knew at that moment that they weren't annoyed at me but had faith in me. I finished my 4th lap 2 minutes later with a time of about 27:30. The next year I had the mile again and almost every person from my last year class had said to me "You can do this, you did it last year you can do it again!" I then that year finished with a time of 16 minutes! The moral of the story is no matter what the situation is no matter where you are or what you're doing, NEVER GIVE UP!!!! Because there will always be at least one person that will believe in you whether it's your mother all the way to a classmate or co-worker.

Noah Rhoades
Jewett City, CT