Never give up

When Tyler was 3, I asked his Doctor if he thought Tyler may be Autistic. I was answered no, and told not to be one of "those" parents. When Tyler was 5, his kindergarten teacher called me, and asked me if I thought that he may be on the spectrum. She noticed regression in speech, and ability to function at school. I answered yes. We were sent to neurology, who diagnosed him with Tourettes. We were then sent to psychology, where he was diagnosed with OCD and PDD. They sent us back to the same neurologist, who at this point told us that our son did not have tourettes and that he was playing us with his OCD. We were again sent to psych who told us that our child was fine and we were just being overprotective parents. After feeling like I had no control, I myself contacted an Occupational therapist and had him tested for sensory integration. The results were astonishing to some, but not to me. Sensory Processing disorder, Sensory integration disorder, Dyspraxia, and Sensory Defensiveness. She made a call to a pediatric specialist, and within a month, Tyler was diagnosed additionally with Aspergers. I was told by many at that time that he would continue to regress, going backwards into his own world. I refused to listen. Tyler is now 13. He is still under the care of that specialist. He is a very high functioning middle school student. He plays basketball, and baseball. He is brilliant in science, and math. He has friends, and likes to tease the girls. He picks on his little brother, and can play you a song on the trumpet just by hearing it. He is an asset to our family, and I am thankful that he is my little boy.

Shannon Avery
Casco, ME