Nick's Story

Before becoming a mother a little over 3 years ago, I had no to little knowledge on Autism Spectrum Disorder.
My baby Nick, was perfectly healthy born at 39 weeks he was a little stubborn causing complications during birth, but still very healthy. He met every milestone early, until around 11-12 months. I started to research Autism since he lost the few words he was using and he not did respond to his name or any instructions. I felt like something wasn't right, I have been told by close ones that he was just a ''slow'' learner, but a mother knows and I kept fighting to build the foundation for his future.
I brought my concerns up to his pediatrician who then said there were red flags but she suggested waiting until 18 months to put him on the waiting list to be evaluated and start some services.
A year went by he still did not say a single word, did not point, did not wave and he started to talk in Jargon.
He finally started speech therapy around 2 and a half. The most amazing thing happened he could sign.

He slowly started to replace the signs for words. But the odd behaviors continued and he did not engage in pretend play he continued to spend his days lining up his toy cars. He is the sweetest boy, he loves to learn he continues to amaze me every single day. He was diagnosed with mild autism and a severe speech delay week after his 3rd birthday.
He has come so far it's amazing. We still have a long road to go, I hope soon we can have conversations together.
I am hopeful for the future, never give up, be your child advocate be their voice.

Cornwall, Canada