Nikki's Story

Just after Nikki turned two, and driven by emotional frustration, we made yet another visit to a so called specialist. This was after several doctors visits that were recommended and characterized as the best in the business. This doctor looked in the eyes and said: your daughter is Autistic”

Those words went through my wife and I like a sharp knife to the mid section.We were parents in our early 30’s and had little to no knowledge of what Autism was. I was unable to have any clear thoughts at that time, however I did know that what the doctor had just said was in fact... a life sentence.

During the last 16 plus years, we have learned more about love, appreciation and the things that really matter in life, than we could have every imagined. Nikki is an amazing human being who teaches very strong lesions each and every day.There is no sarcasm, exaggeration, substitution or lies. Everything is what it is, and what a wonder influence and lesson that has been for our family.

We as a family have no illusions and do not labor in the belief of a miracle cure. My wife and I know it is a very difficult road ahead. Every day brings new challenges in the world of Autism. Nikki will most likely live with us for the rest of our lives. Will never have a real job, nor will she ever be able to live on her own. We know that the stares and the embarrassment over her peculiar behavior in public places will be there forever. We know that every public venture or event could have the potential for unknown adventure. However we also know that having Nikki has been a gift that far exceeds anything that we could have

Chris Collins
Little Silver, NJ