Noah's story

Noah was diagnosed autistic on Nov 7th 2013. Currently at 22 months Noah is the sweetest funniest little boy. He loves playing outside , watching spongebob, listening/ dancing to music and playing peek - a- boo. He also loves giving hugs and kisses , on his own terms of course .
I always had thoughts in the back of my head that he was not interacting the way he should be. He had no interest in playing with other children. It was hard to get Noah to smile, laugh or react to his name. He was obsessed with spinning wheels on cars , ceiling fans and lights At 12 months he pretty much hit a wall development wise. Although he was different he melted the hearts of so many family members and friends with his sweet nature and big blue eyes. My sister approached me when Noah was 16 months at the time and told me I should have Noah evaluated for autism. I broke , it felt like my world had come crashing down. All the plans I had for my son seemed to disappear before my eyes.
I had so much anger and sadness inside of me. Not to mention jealously and envy of parents with kids who had no problem letting them know which kind of cereal they want , or that they don't like certain things. I began doing online research for autism, all of a sudden it was all so clear. How could I have not known ? Right away I seeked help through early intervention and they indeed believed he was autistic. He started therapy around 18 month, still not talking or noticing his surroundings.
He has been receiving therapy 3 times a week and making huge improvements. Some may seem small and go unnoticed to others but are very much noticed by everyone who loves him. Although this is not the life I had pictured I know he was given to me for a reason and I have became such a better person just being able to be his mommy .

Chelsea Hernandez
Elko, NV