Oliver's journey.

Oli struggled as a baby....feeding issues were apparent from the age of just 2 weeks. We spent the first 4 months of little Olis life in and out of hospital trying to get him feeding and gaining weight. Finally we got the right milk, Oli had cows milk protein intolerance and severe reflux. By 6 months Oli started to settle and finally started to gain weight again. However, Oli was now starting to struggle with his milestones. He didn't sit unaided till he was nearly 1. He never crawled or pulled himself up and didn't walk till he was 18 months and even then if he fell he wouldn't put his arms out to save himself, or fall on his bum so we had to constantly follow him everywhere. Initially we blamed it all on the feeding issues...surely that had to have an effect on his progress but when by the age of 2 he still wasn't catching up or attempting any words, his fascination with spinning things and the flapping of the hands all gave me reason for concern and I suspected autism. I contacting our HV who got us In to see a paediatrician. Our journey began there.
Oli is now 4. He attends a specialist nursery and is really beginning to bloom. We still have no words, and his fascination for cars and tractors is immense. 6 months ago Oli was diagnosed with severe autism. I left that assessment feeling nothing but relief...that now finally Oli would get the help he needed. It's been a tough journey and Communication couple with sleeping issues is a real challenge for us all at the moment but I know when Oli is ready he will find his voice. We all love our little oil, who has a smile like sunshine and I thank god everyday for sending him to me.

Canterbury, United Kingdom