Our Beautiful Hero's being Judged

We're blessed with two beautiful boys that have shown how strong they are and how strong they make our family! But to others they are a challenge because they have a disability! My step-son is Damian 12yo and was diagnosed with Aspergers at the age of 8 & my son Christian is 3yo and was diagnosed autistic at fifteen months. They're the sweetest and kindness children and other ppl say they're too hard to handle because they're autistic. We're a blended family of seven and love and adore each other so much but now the courts are making us have a home evaluation because"having a son with special needs must take away from my two sons from my previous marriage." It's bad enough that they're judged on a daily from ppl due to their ignorance but to have a judge making this assumption is just sickening and heartbreaking to say the least! What gives them the right to try and tear them all apart and change all their lives because they do not understand children on the spectrum! This is all my two children from my previous marriage know, this life they have is the norm to them and their baby brother, sister and older brother are everything to them! What makes my autistic son so hard for me to give my other two children attention? Nothing does, they're all my world and a judge in Media, Pa has ordered this absurd request to have this evaluation done. So if my son has a meltdown that means I must not be able to care for my other kids! Both the judge and evaluator have both said "he must be stressful." Well no he's not and he has other siblings he loves and why punish him for their ignorance!

Jerry Lee
Norwood, PA