Our Darcy!

On April 12th 2014 our 3year old son Darcy was diagnosed with Autism at a moderate level.
Although we knew something wasn't quite right with our little man it still didn't make hearing the official diagnoses any easier.
We wiped away our tears as we were ready to take on this obstacle side by side with Darcy.

As months went by, we have seen the most unbelievable improvement in Darcy's speech & socialisation skills especially since attending Daycare and having his own carer to work closely with him.

Darcy is now willing to try knew things, joins in with the other children at story time and is able to drink out of an open cup rather then a drink bottle.

Darcy loves playing outdoors and has only recently learnt to climb up the steps and go down the slide.

Darcy will now sit down whilst having his lunch with the other children and also now enjoys colouring in.

We are extremely proud of Darcy & the amount of improvement he has made since his diagnoses back in April.

Scott & I are determined to be right by Darcy's side throughout this journey to support, encourage and guide him in the right direction!
Love you so much Darcy! xxx

Scott & Kelly Sell
Melbourne, Australia