Our Precious Son...

Our precious, tender-hearted, son who grows each of us in many wonderful ways has high-functioning autism. He is 15 years old. We home school our son. At 15 years of age, he is more like a 9 or 10 year old- he doesn't want to grow up to be a "big boy". He would be comfortable living in a world of being a little boy. He is having increased stems... to the point that he is consuming about 75% of every minute of my day... the stems are more verbal- with physical hand movements to his face. My husband and I are trying to discern which stems are calming mechanizms, and which are simply habits that he can manage with self discipline. We love this child dearly... he is so loving! He sees all people as his friend and excepts everyone as they are. Sounds great, I know. But the stems are really overpowering his day. I give him Gaba, as well as Magnesium. We really are on the fence at this point about Rx's from the doctor... for so many reasons! Any thoughts on natural treatments for anxiety that can plague aspie children?

los angeles, CA