Our Son Jayden was born on April 6, 2008

By the time our son turned 1yr we could see he had some delays but we thought and family thought he was just a boy being a stubborn boy.

But as time went on and years pasted and he turned 3yrs I kept noticing that most of the things that I was teaching him he was forgetting. Like calling me daddy instead of mommy we thought he was being funny but he really didn't know how to.

Then by age 4yrs it was time to put him in school. That's when we were told he had a speech problem but by that next two months after he turn 5yrs and all of his testing, and filling out paper work his school sat us down and told us he has ASD and to go to his doctor and have him officially tested to confirm.

Well we did and on August 16, 2013 they too told us that are son has ASD. Now the school calls him high functioning. But the doctors say that though he can function to a point at school he to his doctors are severe to moderate he has the mind set of a 2½-3yr old.

He can speak 1-4 word sentences most of the time with help. His main speech is what they call jargon. They say he might not ever fully be verbal. He is in kindergarten special education and for 1-2 hours he goes to the regular class room because his cousin is in there and it helps keep him calm.

Now that we are starting to get the help he/we need it can be overwhelming at time for him and for us. But with the help of family friends and the autism community we are checking off some mile stones almost everyday.

Monica Daikai
Sacramento, CA