Our Wiggles

Exactly 22 months ago God sent us the most beautiful angel... he lights up our nights and brightens our day like no one can imagine. He's a loving, beautiful little boy and fills up the room with his presence like no one else. Mr Wiggles, as we call him, turns 22 months today... just a little shy away from turning 2 years old! Around 12 months of age we noticed something different about his speech (regressing), and the way he reacted in social situations... not too social, not too talkative, shy, scared of loud noises and not open at all to "new" people touching him. Thank God he has very stubborn parents and family and we didn't stop with just a concern.

Today Wiggles was diagnosed with mild Autism. Yes, my Wiggles. I am not sad, I am not upset... I was most upset about not knowing and worrying. I thank God for him every second of my life and as I learned today, he is a BIGGER blessing and a GIFT more than we ever would have imagined. God has many big and beautiful things waiting for our Wiggles... and we will all be by his side! -- and yes I reposted his Nachoooooooo Halloween costume pic because he is just soooo cute!

We will be forever grateful to early intervention... he has been undergoing occupational and speech therapy recommended by his doctor even before he was officially diagnosed, as well as changing his diet drastically (no wheat, casein, soy, gluten and no processed foods). In only 3 months we have seen a WORLD of difference! Don't ever wait on doing something for your child. As soon as you have ONE concern... ask... It is never too early... or too late!

Sandra & Nestor
San Antonio, TX