Photographic pictures helped relieve our sons's anxiety

After my son's diagnosis of mild ASD with severe communication delay I became a crazy woman!

Like most we tried every possible therapy known at the time, ABA, RDI, Chelation, Sensory Integration, Diet, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy the list goes on and on. One thing that came prevalent during this time was the importance of using visual aids to help him understand the world to which we live.
It was heartbreaking to see the anxiety he endured on a daily basis of the unknown, meaning where we were going, what was expected, how to act.

Trying to explain this verbally meant nothing to him, it went in one ear and out the other.

We decided to slow the pace down a little and take more time using photographs to show him where we were going,help him make his own play and food choices, visuals were used for a step by step home and school routine and we even used visuals to help him understand how he was feeling at the time and prompt the self-help process of getting dressed, bathing, brushing teeth etc.

We were diligent with this process. Persistence and Consistence is the key.

Within months he started to communicate with us but the most powerful transformation of all was his ability to regulate his anxiety, by seeing what was expected and where we were going was a huge relief to him.

Whilst language will always be somewhat slightly delayed, now a teenager he lives a happy independent mainstream life, he cracks jokes, has meaningful conversations, loves and plays sport and hanging out with his mates.

Alison Mooney
Sydney, Australia