Pickle the Princess Angel Baby

My Pickle came early at 37 weeks gestation, weighing all of 5 lbs 11 oz and measured 18 inches long. She was the perfect newborn and was breastfed exclusively. I noticed right away that she was very different from her brother. She seemed much more sensitive to any kind of stimulation and found comfort in things that would normally irritate a child (such as loud vehicles or fireworks). At 13 months she was walking and barely babbling. She was all over the place with her milestones in motor skills. One very prominent sign she showed from around 9 months old, I didn't think anything of at the time. She was constantly stacking and grouping canned food. She's also always had difficulty with routine changes, calming down when something upsets her, and flaps her little hands if excited or unhappy. When she was close to 2 years old, she suddenly became very verbal; clearly reciting the alphabet, naming colors, counting, all things she had never done before. Being in nursing school, I began recognizing signs and symptoms and briefly brought them to her pediatrician's attention. She made a reference to Asperger's and recommended that we see a specialist and get a formal diagnosis made. It's been over a year now, my Princess Angel Baby (self-given title, lol) is now three years old, and I still haven't taken her back. My Pickle is just my Pickle - not a disorder. My fear is giving my perfect baby girl a "label" to be known by instead of the beautiful, smart, clever, witty, caring, nurturing, LOVING child she is. I know I should probably take her back to be evaluated, and I WILL...when the time is right. For now, I'm just happy with my baby girl and her handsome, brilliant, amazing 5 year old brother, who are both HEALTHY and PERFECT miracles that light up my life.

Redlands, CA