Rainey Bug!

He was born just like any other child into this world. As he grew the first year we realized he wasn't as outgoing as some of our other babies. He did not make eye contact and he didn't like to be held close or give hugs. When he was 2 he didn't talk as much as our older children. We wondered if he was autistic. By the time he was almost 3 we knew it was time to seek help. We went to his pediatrician. A month went by & no word. We called his pediatrician again and asked when we could expect a call from Texas Children's Autism Center. We were told the wait time for an interview could be at least a year. We asked his pediatrician. "What would you do if he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder?" He said ABA, occupational & speech therapy. I said let's do it. Rainey was evaluated and needed all 3 types of therapy. I said be aggressive and give him his best shot. Within 6 months he was saying more words and even a sentence. I think we were in shock when he said his 1st sentence. After another 6 months he was playing with other children. He also did not have as many "melt downs or episodes". He also finished with occupational therapy. He didn't line up his toys as much and he could vary from routines without getting physically upset. By the end of the next 3 months he was down to one session a week. We finally got the call from Texas Children's Autism Center. They tested him. We went back for results. While he displayed many signs of autism he did not fall on the spectrum at this time. They did however tell us that had he NOT gotten the early intervention he received at such an aggresive rate, they feel he would have been diagnosed as autistic. They said to pat outselves on the back and truly give ourselves the credit for not backing down and keeping after the doctors for help for Rainey.

Lumberton, TX